


Calculate the probability density function (PDF) of a normal distribution.


Calculate the probability density function (PDF) of a truncated normal distribution.


Calculate the probability density function (PDF) of a uniform distribution.

normal_pdf(x, mean, std)[source]

Calculate the probability density function (PDF) of a normal distribution.

Parameters: - x: Values at which to evaluate the PDF. - mean: Mean (average) of the normal distribution. - std: Standard deviation of the normal distribution.

Returns: - pdf_values: PDF values for the given ‘x’.

truncated_normal_pdf(x, mean, std, lower, upper)[source]

Calculate the probability density function (PDF) of a truncated normal distribution.

Parameters: - x: Values at which to evaluate the PDF. - mean: Mean (average) of the normal distribution. - std: Standard deviation of the normal distribution. - lower: Lower truncation point of the distribution. - upper: Upper truncation point of the distribution.

Returns: - pdf_values: PDF values for the given ‘x’ within the specified truncation range.

uniform_pdf(x, lower, upper)[source]

Calculate the probability density function (PDF) of a uniform distribution.

Parameters: - x: Values at which to evaluate the PDF. - lower: Lower bound of the uniform distribution. - upper: Upper bound of the uniform distribution.

Returns: - pdf_values: PDF values for the given ‘x’ within the specified bounds.