Source code for pymgipsim.Probability.distributions

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import uniform, truncnorm

[docs] def uniform_pdf(x, lower, upper): """ Calculate the probability density function (PDF) of a uniform distribution. Parameters: - x: Values at which to evaluate the PDF. - lower: Lower bound of the uniform distribution. - upper: Upper bound of the uniform distribution. Returns: - pdf_values: PDF values for the given 'x' within the specified bounds. """ if type(x) is not np.ndarray: x = np.array(x) """ Check Inputs """ assert ~np.isnan(x).any(), 'x cannot have Nan' assert upper >= lower, f'Upper limit ({lower}) must be >= lower limit ({upper})' assert lower in x or upper in x, f"Lower limit ({lower} or upper limit ({upper}) must in x range ({x})" if upper == lower: idx = np.argwhere(x == lower).flatten()[0] pdf = np.zeros_like(x) pdf[idx] = 1.0 else: pdf = uniform.pdf(x, loc=lower, scale=upper - lower) return pdf
[docs] def normal_pdf(x, mean, std): """ Calculate the probability density function (PDF) of a normal distribution. Parameters: - x: Values at which to evaluate the PDF. - mean: Mean (average) of the normal distribution. - std: Standard deviation of the normal distribution. Returns: - pdf_values: PDF values for the given 'x'. """ x = np.array(x) assert ~np.isnan(x).any(), 'X cannot have NaN' assert ~np.isnan(mean), 'mean cannot have NaN' assert ~np.isnan(std), 'std cannot have NaN' assert std >= 0 return uniform.pdf(x, loc=mean, scale=std)
[docs] def truncated_normal_pdf(x, mean, std, lower, upper): """ Calculate the probability density function (PDF) of a truncated normal distribution. Parameters: - x: Values at which to evaluate the PDF. - mean: Mean (average) of the normal distribution. - std: Standard deviation of the normal distribution. - lower: Lower truncation point of the distribution. - upper: Upper truncation point of the distribution. Returns: - pdf_values: PDF values for the given 'x' within the specified truncation range. """ x = np.array(x) assert ~np.isnan(x).any() assert upper >= lower, f'Upper limit ({lower}) must be >= lower limit ({upper})' assert ~np.isnan(mean), 'mean cannot have NaN' assert ~np.isnan(std), 'std cannot have NaN' assert std >= 0 a = (lower - mean) / std b = (upper + mean) / std pdf_values = truncnorm.pdf(x, a, b, loc=mean, scale=std) return pdf_values